scaleInspection is a function to generate a PDF with information to diagnose and inspect scales (aggregate measures); makeScales actually generates the scales; and meanConfInt and sdConfInt provide confidence intervals for means and standard deviations.
scaleInspection(dat, items = NULL, docTitle = "Scale inspection", docAuthor = "Author", pdfLaTexPath, rnwPath=getwd(), filename = "scaleInspection", convertFactors=TRUE,, conf.level=.95, digits=2, rMatrixColsLandscape = 6, pboxWidthMultiplier = 1, scatterPlotBaseSize = 4, pageMargins=15, show=FALSE, pval=TRUE) makeScales(dat, scales, append=TRUE) meanConfInt(vector=NULL, mean=NULL, sd=NULL, n=NULL, se=NULL, conf.level=.95) sdConfInt(vector=NULL, sd=NULL, n=NULL, conf.level=.95)
dat | Dataframe containing the items of the relevant scale |
items | Either a character vector with the itemnames, or, if the items are organised in scales, a list of character vectors with the items in each scale. |
scales | A list of character vectors with the items in each scale, where each vectors' name is the name of the scale. |
docTitle | Title to use when generating the PDF. |
docAuthor | Author(s) to include when generating the PDF. |
pdfLaTexPath | The path to PdfLaTex. This file is part of a LaTeX installation that creates a pdf out of a .tex file. In Windows, you can download (portable) MikTex from You then decide yourself where to install MikTex; pdflatex will end up in a subfolder 'miktex\bin', so if you installed MikTex in, for example, 'C:\Program Files\MikTex', the total path becomes 'C:\Program Files\MikTex\miktex\bin'. Note that R uses slashes instead of backslashes to separate folders, so in this example, pdfLaTexPath should be 'C:/Program Files/MikTex/miktex/bin' In MacOS, you can install MacTex from By default, pdflatex ends up in folder '/user/texbin', which is what pdfLaTexPath should be in that default case. In Ubuntu, you can install TexLive base by using your package manager to install texlive-latex-base, or using the terminal: 'sudo apt-get install texlive-latex-base' In ubuntu, by default pdflatex ends un in folder '/usr/bin', which is what pdfLaTexPath should be in that default case. |
rnwPath | The path where the temporary files and the resulting PDF should be stored. |
filename | The filename to use to save the pdf. |
convertFactors | Whether to convert factors to numeric vectors for the analysis. | | TRUE or FALSE: whether to compute confidence intervals for Cronbach's Alpha and Omega (uses bootstrapping function in MBESS, takes a while). |
conf.level | Confidence of confidence intervals (for reliability estimates (if requested with, meand, and sd, for respectively scaleInspection, meanConfInt and sdConfInt). |
digits | The number of digits to use in the tables. |
rMatrixColsLandscape | At how many columns (or rather, variables) or more should rMatrices be printed landscape? |
pboxWidthMultiplier | Used for print.rMatrix; used to tweak the width of columns in the correlation matrix. |
scatterPlotBaseSize | Size of one scatterplot in the scattermatrix in centimeters. If the total scattermatrix becomes larger than 18 cm, it's scaled down to 18 cm. |
pageMargins | Margins of the page in millimeters. |
show | Whether to show the results (or only write them to the PDF). |
pval | Whether to print p-values as p-values in correlation matrix. |
append | Whether to return the dataframe including the new variables
( |
vector | Numeric vector to use when computing confidence intervals. |
mean | Mean to use when computing confidence intervals (when no vector is provided). |
sd | Standard deviaton to use when computing confidence intervals (when no vector is provided). |
n | Number of datapoints to base confidence intervals on. |
se | Standard errorto use when computing confidence intervals (when no standard deviation or vector is provided). |
scaleInspection generates a PDF with useful diagnostics to assess a scale; those from scaleDiagnosis and an rMatrix.
makeScales generates the scales and stores them in the dataframe.
meanConfInt and sdConfInt just compute and return a confidence interval for a mean or standard deviation.
scaleInspection returns nothing; it just generates a PDF.
makeScales returns the provided dataframe, now including the new scale variables.
meanConfInt and sdConfInt return an object, with in its 'output' list, the confidence interval for a mean or standard deviation.
# NOT RUN { scaleInspection(mtcars, items=c('disp', 'hp', 'drat'), pdfLaTexPath="valid/path/here"); # }newDataframe <- makeScales(mtcars, list(senselessScale = c('disp', 'hp', 'drat'))); sdConfInt(sd=4, n=30);#> [1] 4.1 5.4meanConfInt(mean=5, sd=4, n=30)#> ci.lo ci.hi #> (mean=5.00) 3.51 6.49