This function conducts a piecewise regression analysis and shows a plot illustrating the results. The function enables easy customization of the main plot elements and easy saving of the plot with anti-aliasing.

              timeVar = 1,
              yVar = 2,
              phaseVar = NULL,
              baselineMeasurements = NULL,
              robust = FALSE,
              digits = 2,
              colors = list(pre = viridis(4)[1],
                            post = viridis(4)[4],
                            diff = viridis(4)[3],
                            intervention = viridis(4)[2],
                            points = "black"),
              theme = theme_minimal(),
              pointSize = 2,
              pointAlpha = 1,
              lineSize = 1,
              showPlot = TRUE,
              plotLabs = NULL,
              outputFile = NULL,
              outputWidth = 16,
              outputHeight = 16,
              ggsaveParams = list(units = "cm",
                                  dpi = 300,
                                  type = "cairo"))



The dataframe containing the variables for the analysis.


The name of the variable containing the measurement moments (or an index of measurement moments). An index can also be specified, and assumed to be 1 if omitted.


The name of the dependent variable. An index can also be specified, and assumed to be 2 if omitted.


The variable containing the phase of each measurement. Note that this normally should only have two possible values.


If no phaseVar is specified, baselineMeasurements can be used to specify the number of baseline measurements, which is then used to construct the phaseVar dummy variable.


Whether to use normal or robust linear regression.


The number of digits to show in the results.


The colors to use for the different plot elements.


The theme to use in the plot.


The sizes of points and lines in the plot.


The alpha channel (transparency, or rather, 'opaqueness') of the points.


Whether to show the plot or not.


A list with arguments to the ggplot2 labs function, which can be used to conveniently set plot labels.


If not NULL, the path and filename specifying where to save the plot.

outputWidth, outputHeight

The dimensions of the plot when saving it (in units specified in ggsaveParams).


The parameters to use when saving the plot, passed on to ggsave.


Mainly, this function prints its results, but it also returns them in an object containing three lists:


The arguments specified when calling the function


Intermediat objects and values


The results such as the plot.


Verboon, P. & Peters, G.-J. Y. (2018) Applying the generalised logistic model in single case designs: modelling treatment-induced shifts. PsyArXiv

See also


### Load dataset data(Singh); ### Extract Jason dat <- Singh[Singh$tier==1, ]; ### Conduct piecewise regression analysis piecewiseRegr(dat, timeVar='time', yVar='score_physical', phaseVar='phase');
#> Piecewise Regression Analysis (N = 16) #> #> Model statistics: #> #> Model deviance: 6.03 #> R squared for null model: .66 #> R squared for test model: .81 #> R squared based effect size: .42 #> #> Regression coefficients: #> #> Intercept: [1.92; 4.74] (point estimate = 3.33) #> Level change: [-4.59; 0.4] (point estimate = -2.09) #> Trend phase 1: [-1.09; 1.09] (point estimate = 0) #> Change in trend: [-1.24; 0.96] (point estimate = -0.14)
### Pretend treatment started between measurements ### 5 and 6 piecewiseRegr(dat, timeVar='time', yVar='score_physical', baselineMeasurements=5);
#> Piecewise Regression Analysis (N = 16) #> #> Model statistics: #> #> Model deviance: 3.06 #> R squared for null model: .66 #> R squared for test model: .9 #> R squared based effect size: .71 #> #> Regression coefficients: #> #> Intercept: [2.95; 4.65] (point estimate = 3.8) #> Level change: [-2.34; 0.28] (point estimate = -1.03) #> Trend phase 1: [-0.85; -0.15] (point estimate = -0.5) #> Change in trend: [0.1; 0.83] (point estimate = 0.46)